Golden Horn Bay
The Golden Horn Bay is located in the Gulf of Peter the Great, at the center of Vladivostok and is intensely used in the urban economy. Indeed, the bay is rich in fish; it is a commercial harbor as well as a shipyard.
Almost all along the bay mooring infrastructures were built. The bay divides the city into two parts. It was given that name in 1859 because of its resemblance to the Golden Horn of Istanbul. It is 7km long, its width at the opening is larger than 2km and its depth reaches 20 to 30 meters.
The Gulf became famous in Europe in 1852 thanks to a French whaler that occasionally spent the winter in Posset Bay in the South-Western part of the bay.
Because of the electrothermal plant located on its shore, the bay never freezes over, no matter how cold the winter gets.