Kartukhayskaya cave
Kartukhayskaya cave is a sort of large cave-niche, which is located in the cliff of red-color sand rock.
Remains of early iron age culture were found inside the cave - iron and bone arrowheads. Near the cave on the flat surface of the mighty rock cliffs of Lena river there are ancient drawings which were curved and partly painted here by red ochre. These paintings were made by painters of iron age and most of them are old Turk images of Kurykan group (6th-10th centuries of common era). The topics of the drawings are quite various: scenes showing hunting of different animals, cattle pasture, horseman figures, separate images of horses, etc. On one of the rocks near the cave there is a note in old turk, which is carved in narrow lines.
The cave was used as look-out post for the village, from where a wonderful view to Lena river valley opens up.