Cherskiy Peak
Cherskiy peak (Komar peak) is the highest point of Komarinskiy range. The peak was called so in memory of genius scientist Ivan Dementievich Cherskiy (1845-1892) which made a valuable contribution to the exploration of Siberia, as well as Baikal Lake.
The height of the peak is 2090 meters above sea level. It has almost no vegetation and even in summer there is some snow in some places. On the west side one may see peaks of Tunkinskiy goltsy (woodless mountains).
The ascension to Cherskiy rock starts from the weather station along the winding road of Starokomarinskiy (old Komar) road. This road was built at the end of the 18th century, it crosses all Khamar-Daban from north to the south. More than 100 years ago it was used as one of the caravan roads from Russia to Mongolia and China. There are a lot of touristic routes there. During peak ascension it becomes rare to meet trees, then wood-less area starts - kingdom of moss and lichen. The way to the top lies on the steep sharp crest, which has steep slopes.
At the bottom there are deep canyons. In one of them there is a lake of emerald color called "Heart Lake". The little Mangutaika river starts from this lake. On the top one may observe marvelous and unforgettable panoramic views to the grand mountains.
In good weather on the north-west behind the weather station and Komarinskiy range one may see three-thousand meters high peaks of Tunkinskiy Alps that are always covered in snow.