Memorial to the heroes of Plevna
This monument commemorates the battle of Plevna during which Russian grenadiers gloriously distinguished themselves. Thanks to them, the Empire, engaged in a war against Turkey (1877-1878), won a decisive victory with the liberation of this city. It was later renamed Pleven (Bulgaria).
Built following the plans of architect Vladimir Cherbud and engineer-colonel A. I. Liachkin, this monument is an octagonal case iron chapel, supported on a stoned pedestal and surmounted by an orthodox cross. Four sides are decorated with high-reliefs. There are also inscriptions dedicated to the dead grenadiers and others reminding of the important facts of the Russian-Turkish war.
The Memorial to the heroes of Plevna was supposed to be erected on the location of the actual battle but after a first public presentation it was decided otherwise. The monument was unveiled on the tenth anniversary of the victory on November 28, 1888.
The memorial was entirely restored and unveiled a second time by Patriarch Alexis II on March 1st, 1998.